Source code for pysteg.features.texture

##  $Id$
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## (C) 2012: Hans Georg Schaathun <> 

Functions to estimate the beta coefficient to quantify the
level of texture in an image.

:Module:    pysteg.features.texture
:Date:      $Date$
:Revision:  $Revision$
:Copyright: © 2012 Hans Georg Schaathun <>

print "[pysteg.features.texture] $Id$"

import numpy as np
import pywt
from math import gamma
__all__ = [ "ggdBeta" ]

[docs]def ggdBeta(im,wavelet="haar"): """Estimate the beta coefficient of the Generalised Gaussian Distribution modelling the wavelet coefficients of an image im.""" (A,(H,V,D)) = pywt.dwt2(im,wavelet) return [ ggdBetaComp(C) for C in (D,H,V) ]
def ggdBetaComp(C): """Estimate the beta coefficient of the Generalised Gaussian Distribution modelling the given wavelet component C.""" return _beta(_m1(C),_m2(C)) def _m1(C): "First moment of C." return np.sum(np.abs(C)) / C.size def _m2(C): "Second moment of C." return np.sum(C**2) / C.size def _beta(m1,m2): return _Finv(m1**2/m2) def _alpha(m1,m2,beta): return m1 * gamma(1.0/beta) / gamma(2.0/beta) def _Finv(y,eps=10**(-5),xmin=0.025,xmax=4.0): """The inverse of _F(), calculated using binomial search.""" f = lambda x : _F(x) - y (fmin,fmax) = (f(xmin),f(xmax)) print eps,xmin,xmax while xmax-xmin > eps: xmid = (xmin+xmax)/2.0 fmid = f(xmid) if fmin*fmid < 0: (xmax,fmax) = (xmid,fmid) elif fmax*fmid < 0: (xmin,fmin) = (xmid,fmid) else: raise Exception, "Neither interval contains the root." return (xmin+xmax)/2.0 def _F(x): return gamma(2.0/x)**2 / (gamma(3.0/x)*gamma(1.0/x)) class ggd(object): def __init__(self,C): (m1,m2) = (_m1(C),_m2(C)) beta = _beta(m1,m2) self.beta = beta alpha = _alpha(m1,m2,beta) self.alpha = alpha self.K = beta / ( 2*alpha*gamma(1.0/beta) ) def __call__(self,x): return self.K * np.exp( -(np.abs(x)/self.alpha)**self.beta ) # Tests: # 1. Compare alpha to standard deviation # 2. Plot estimated PDF against actual histogram