Source code for pysteg.sql.aux

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## (C) 2012: Hans Georg Schaathun <> 

Auxilliary functions.  Used internally in the package; not intended
for export.

from sqlobject import dberrors

[docs]def isDuplicateError(e): return (isinstance(e,dberrors.DuplicateEntryError) or tailType(e) == "IntegrityError")
[docs]def tailType(obj): """Return the class name of an object, stripping any prefixing package names. This is used to recognise exceptions returned from different database backends. The exception names have been standardised (DataError, IntegrityError, etc.), but each backend has its own definition.""" return str(type(obj)).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1]
[docs]def matrix2dict( M, centre=False ): """Return a list of (index,value) pairs where value is an entry in the matrix M and index its index. If centre is True, the indices are offset to be centred at 0.""" offset = 0 if (not hasattr(M,"shape")) or (len(M.shape) == 1): if centre: offset = len(M) / 2 return [ ((i-offset,),M[i]) for i in range(len(M)) ] else: L = [ matrix2dict(A, centre) for A in M ] if centre: offset = len(L) / 2 return [ ((i-offset,)+idx,s) for i in range(len(L)) for (idx,s) in L[i] ]
[docs]def getFeatureObject(f): if isinstance(f,str): return Feature.byKey(f) elif isinstance(f,Feature): return f else: raise TypeError, "Function can handle Feature objects and key strings."