Source code for

# (C) 2012: Hans Georg Schaathun <> 

Selection of functions to produce reports and other output 
from the feature database.

from . import *
import sys
import as svt
import scaling 
import svmodel 

[docs]def savefeatures(fn,imgset,fv,*a,**kw): """Save features in a text file, taking features from the imageset imgset and feature vector fv. The output filename is given by fn. The output is libSVM's sparse format by default, but specifying the keyword argument libsvm=False gives comma separated values instead. """ (ll,vl,i) = imgset.getFeatures(fv) fvl = [ [l] + v for (l,v) in zip(ll,vl) ] return svt.savefeatures(fn,fvl,*a,**kw)
[docs]def saveScaledFeatures(fn,imgset,model,*a,**kw): """Save scaled features in a text file, taking features from the imageset imgset and SVM model model. The output filename is given by fn. The output is libSVM's sparse format by default, but specifying the keyword argument libsvm=False gives comma separated values instead. """ if not isinstance(model,SQLObject): model = svmodel.SVModel.byKey( model ) fv = model.fvector (ll,vl,i) = imgset.getFeatures( fv ) sm = model.getScaleModel() vl = scaling.applyScale(sm,vl) fvl = [ [l] + v for (l,v) in zip(ll,vl) ] return svt.savefeatures(fn,fvl,*a,**kw)
[docs]def calculated(): """ Print a report for each image set showing which features have been calculated and recorded in the database. This is a slow operation. """ for s in N = s.images.count() print, N, "images" for fs in dim = fs.features.count() L = [ len(img.getFeatures(fs)) for img in s ] count = len( [ i for i in L if i==dim ] ) zero = len( [ i for i in L if i==0 ] ) if count == N: print "%s: complete" % ( fs.key, ) elif zero == N: print "%s: not started" % ( fs.key, ) else: print "%s: %s images calculated out of %s" % ( fs.key, count, N ) partial = N - zero - count print "%s: %s images partially calculted" % ( fs.key, partial ) sys.stdout.flush() print
if __name__ == "__main__": sqlConnect() calculated()